
Settings – General section is used for initial system setup.

Company name – in this field you can specify the name of your company. Also, you will see it on the login page.

Language – in this field you can change the system language.

Mobile number validator regex – in this field you can configure mobile number validation based on the country where the project is launched.

The default expression means that the number starts with a + character, followed by digits, and the number must have 12 characters.

Country – here you can specify the country where the project is launched.

Datetime display format – in this field you can set the date format. If you need to enter a different format, simply change the order of the letters in the field. For example, if the year should start at the beginning, then put Y first in this field.

Currency – currency that will be displayed in the system.

In the CRM Appearance block, you can change the interface to be displayed right-to-left.