Getting Started: General Overview

Site Builder is a tool that allows you to create a Landing page for your App.

You can find Site Builder in the Stage / Production instance workspace on the left side of the screen in the list of modules.

Site Builder consists of 4 tabs.

Pages – here you can see a list of all pages created by you

Create page – this tab allows you to create a page.

Settings – in this section you can add files:

  • JavaScript – if you need to add third-party code that fulfills some functionality;
  • СSS – if you want to configure the visual display of web page elements to suit your own style (e.g. to upload your fonts).
  • (NEW) Font – if you need to add third-party fonts

To add a file, click Add and then select the desired file.

Please note: to display the Landing page layout correctly, you need to add the link in the CDN url field and then click Save.

Assets – all uploaded images are stored here.

If required, you can delete any image you do not need. Click the cross.