
In the General section, you can configure:

  • the loan product to be used by default until you configure Product Routing.
  • Loan series and number is a unique loan identifier that will be specified in the agreement, as well as in the list of loans in the system (letters associated with the project are usually selected).

You can also configure the fields and filters for a more comfortable working with the loans table. You can configure these fields in the same way as for clients. For more information, refer to the Changing the Display of Fields.

In the Schedule section, you can configure the fields to be appeared in the repayment schedule on the loan page. For more information, refer to the instructions.

In the Export section, you can configure the export of loan data.

In the Export filter rules block, you can configure the filters to be used for exporting transactions.

In the Export field rules block, you can configure the fields to be used in the exported file.

To export the data, go to Loans – Loans – Export. Click the Export button. After a while, the system will generate an Excel file and it will appear in the list and be available for download.

Flow step post processing is a flexible tool that allows you to address your specific needs at any step of the loan process. You can add a specific Python code that will trigger at a certain step.

This is useful when the functionality of the system does not work for specific task you need to solve.

If you have a technical specialist in your team, you can write and add your own code. Or you can contact Neofin tech support.

Daily Log – section that allows you to configure data logging, i.e. to display the required loan information on a daily basis (e.g. amount of past due, date of the next payment, etc.).

The Custom code value in the Value source field allows you to run your own Python code not provided in the system.

Fill out the fields with the information you want to track and click Save. From the next day on the loan page, you will see the relevant loan data on a per day basis.