
The Clients section offers the following settings.

In the Authentication type field, you can choose how to verify the client in the system – by email or phone.

If you select Email, when registering, the client will receive an email with a link to confirm registration. You can disable email verification by unchecking the box next to Email verification is active.

If you select Mobile Number, the user will not need to come up with a password when creating an account. Every time the user logs in to the account, it will be necessary to enter one-time password sent to the specified phone number.

Block for time – in this field you can set the number of hours the client will be not allowed to access the system after 3 unsuccessful verification attempts (via mail or phone).

A checkbox next to Is enrichment active means that Open Banking will be enabled during the loan application process.

A checkbox next to Allow to skip enrichment means that the client can skip filling out the fields in Open Banking and proceed with completing the application.

A checkbox next to Check enriched data means that you need to compare the data from Open Banking with the client’s data in the application.

Common fields – mandatory fields that should be matched. That is, you need to specify where you get some data (client’s date of birth, unique identifier, etc.) from.

In the Fields display rules block, you can configure the fields to be displayed in the table and determine the order in which they are shown. For more information, refer to the Changing the Display of Fields.

In the Search/autocomplete rules block, you can configure the fields to be used in the system for searching your clients in the database. For more information, refer to the instructions.

In the Related person filter rule block, you can configure the parameter to be used for matching related users in the system.

For example, the system has client X with a specific phone number. Next, client Y submits a loan application and specifies phone number X. The system will designate X as the contact person for client Y (if you configure the matching by phone number).

In the Export filter rules block, you can configure the fields to be used for exporting the clients from the system. For example, by status, name, etc.

Accordingly, in the Export data block, you can configure the filters and download an Excel spreadsheet with clients.

The Registration skip block is the block used for matching the parameters from Open Banking with the parameters in the client’s application form.

In the Source field, you must select the name of the third-party provider that will provide client authorization in the system.

In the Source value field, you must set up the parameter to be matched with the value specified in the system.

In the Enrichment field, you must select the field with the value specified by the client at the stage of completing the application.

For example, if you fill out the fields as per the screenshot, it would mean the following. If the client is authorized using Pinwheel, the full_name will be automatically inserted into the client’s application form.

You can configure as many fields as you need depending on the data you receive from third-party providers.

In the Import data block, you can import your client database into the system. Upload the Excel file and click Submit.

Once you have uploaded the file, you will see 2 columns – DB fields (fields in the database) and File fields (fields in the file), and you will be able to specify from which field the value should be taken.